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I started playing EVE in 2009, and tried to jump straight to nullsec. I quickly figured out that there was a better way to progress, and joined EUNI. Since then, I've spent a little bit of time with Star Fraction in low and nullsec, and quite a bit of time with Adhocracy Incorporated in W-space.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

SB Ratting: Fittings

Fittings for [this post].

General comments (for all four):
- Be aware of your native resists, and what rat you are fighting. Angels shoot explosive, so you might not have to boost your 50% native resist. Sansha shoot EM, so you might want to boost your 0% native resist. Play it safe, first, and then move to maximizing your damage output. Small rigs are cheap.
- Rigs are customizable. If you have a rough time staying in long enough to kill all the rats in a spawn, then you can rig for more resists, or more speed. If you are doing fine, then rig for more damage to move faster.
- AB/MSE are required. Other mids can potentially be colored to taste.
- Lows are as many BCUs as possible, with fitting mods where required.
- T1 launchers are far easier to fit than T2. You can fit T2, but I can't endorse this yet, as I haven't tried it, and I'd bet that the cost or penalties associated with them would be hazardous to your stealth bomber's health.
- Your SB does have the ability to fit a turret, and this is not a terrible option if you don't want to carry probes. It probably won't save you against elite frigates, though.
- All of these fits are handily cap-stable.
- Green modules are flat out required to make this strategy work, as outlined in the other post.


[Manticore, KIN RAT]
Ballistic Control System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Medium Shield Extender II
1MN Afterburner II
Target Painter II
Target Painter II

'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Juggernaut Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Juggernaut Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Juggernaut Torpedo
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I /OFFLINE
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
Small Bay Loading Accelerator I

431 DPS
732 m/s


[Hound, EXP RAT]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Medium Shield Extender II
1MN Afterburner II
Target Painter II

'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Bane Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Bane Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Bane Torpedo
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I /OFFLINE
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
Small Auxiliary Thrusters I

50% Native Explosive Resist (Good against Angels)
433 DPS
953 m/s


[Nemesis, THERM RAT]
Ballistic Control System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Medium Shield Extender II
1MN Afterburner II
'Anointed' I EM Ward Reinforcement
Target Painter II

'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Inferno Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Inferno Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Inferno Torpedo
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I /OFFLINE
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
Small Bay Loading Accelerator I

431 DPS
765 m/s
Shield Hardener can be swapped for a TP, passive shield resist module (Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II), Tech II Hardener (Photon Scattering Field II), or Small Shield Extender II, depending on what you are fighting and how you customize your rigs.


[Purifier, EM RAT]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Medium Shield Extender II
1MN Afterburner II
Target Painter II

'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Torpedo
'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Torpedo
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I /OFFLINE
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Bay Loading Accelerator I

460 DPS
837 m/s

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